June 1, 2015, ABC’s Media Watch presented a segment titled “Horror story lacks
facts” (Barry, 2015), drawing on its investigation of a chilling and “gorging” (Barry,
2015) story told by a federal MP being reported nationally, that shocked Australians
and even citizens in the UK.
The story – young man
reported as an ice addict for having mental illness
story was first published on the Central Coast Gosford Express Advocate (the Advocate)’s
website (Stubbs, 2015) in a live blog reporting the Central Coast Ice Summit
held on May 22, 2015. In her opening speech of the Ice Summit, federal MP Karen
McNamara recalled an incident of “a young boy [who was an ice addict] taken
into an emergency department for treatment who gouged out his own eyeballs and
ate them” (Stubbs, 2015).