11 September 2015

14 Years On... What Have We Learnt?

Today we commemorate the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. But, have we learnt our lesson?


14 years on, nations are sending more troops to other countries.

14 years on, troops are continuing to torture prisoners of war.

14 years on, racist attacks, verbal and physical, are condemned but are continuing.

14 years on, hatred and discrimination are evident.

14 years on, religious persecutions are multiplying.

14 years on, guns are still available for the general public in some countries.

14 years on, panic and anxiety for terrorist attacks are ongoing in every part of the world on a daily basis.

14 years on, border securities have tightened at the expense of tourists and travelers annoyances.

14 years on, human rights are constantly violated for "keeping the community safe".

14 years on, "CHANGE" is yet to be seen.

Lord, remember our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection, and all who have died in your mercy: welcome them into the light of Your face.

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