20 November 2015


文章原載於: 《公教報》 第3744期,主曆2015年11月22日


16 November 2015


文章原載於: 樂山樂水


《澳洲人 The Australian》2015年11月12日
Bishops face discrimination case


圖片來源:Marriage Alliance (https://www.facebook.com/themarriagealliance)

12 October 2015

Linguistic and visual analysis of a news story on the Liberal Party leadership challenge

On Tuesday, September 15, 2015, The Sydney Morning Herald published an article written by Mark Kenny, titled Turnbull calls for era of fresh vision with the sub-title Showdown: ‘It will be a thoroughly Liberal government’ (Kenny, 2015a; Appendix A), following the dramatic event happened on Monday, in which the federal government’s by then communication minister Malcolm Turnbull called for a special Liberal Party meeting to vote for a new party leader and prime minister for the nation. The equivalent online story on The Sydney Morning Herald’s website is titled Liberal leadership: Malcolm Turnbull defeats Tony Abbott to become PM (Kenny, 2015b).

30 September 2015



21 September 2015

Release of Doves at St. Mary's Cathedral

[SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA] United Nations Australia and the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney celebrated in advance the International Day of Peace yesterday, Sunday the 20th of September, by releasing doves at the front of St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney. 

"Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." Hundreds of Christians demonstrates persistence in traditional marriage

[SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA] More than 300 Christians gathered at Sydney landmark Martin Place in the afternoon yesterday, Sunday the 20th of September, following a march from Belmore Park. Participants reaffirmed their stance on same-gender marriage - a teardown of the fabric of human society.

Christians arriving Martin Place. Photo: Winmas 

11 September 2015

14 Years On... What Have We Learnt?

Today we commemorate the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. But, have we learnt our lesson?


7 September 2015

State-Media Relations in China: Media Commercialisation and the Rise of Citizen Journalism

In recent decades, economic reforms and technological developments have provide Chinese citizens new channels for obtaining and spreading information, namely the commercialisation of media and the rise of citizen journalism. Although state-media relations have not been evidently improved, as monitoring and self-censorship are ongoing, there have been instances that the media are getting greater attention from the Government.

Commercialism “with Chinese characteristics”

Commercialisation is the detachment of media outlets from political parties. It is the transformation of a state-owned organisation into a privately-owned corporate, which depends on advertising and other business activities for revenue. It is commonly identified that commercialisation will “foster liberalisation, establish or deepen democracy, and encourage the development of a globalised media culture” (Hadland, & Zhang, 2012). However, this is not the case for China. Some extreme opinions argue that commercialisation causes destructive consequences to China, both politically and socially (Hadland, & Zhang, 2012).

14 August 2015

Horror Statement Lacks Verification: Don't Break Your Integrity with a "Breaking News"

On June 1, 2015, ABC’s Media Watch presented a segment titled “Horror story lacks facts” (Barry, 2015), drawing on its investigation of a chilling and “gorging” (Barry, 2015) story told by a federal MP being reported nationally, that shocked Australians and even citizens in the UK.
The story – young man reported as an ice addict for having mental illness
The story was first published on the Central Coast Gosford Express Advocate (the Advocate)’s website (Stubbs, 2015) in a live blog reporting the Central Coast Ice Summit held on May 22, 2015. In her opening speech of the Ice Summit, federal MP Karen McNamara recalled an incident of “a young boy [who was an ice addict] taken into an emergency department for treatment who gouged out his own eyeballs and ate them” (Stubbs, 2015).